Iliad Framework, the registration form

In the previous post we talked about checking emails addresses, just to show how we can use regexps in Pharo.

In this post we are returning to the Iliad Framework and we will be a registration form.

We start, as we have done for the login form, creating a component for the registration form. This component will then be integrated into the application and another controller will be build.

ILWidget subclass: #PnCreateUser
	instanceVariableNames: 'email password password2 name surname errors'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'LeonardoBlog'!

As you can see the instance variable of this component, like what was happening in the registration form, are derived from the variable state of the component. We created an instance variable for every data that the user will enter and a errors fields that will be empty whenxb there are no errors.

The initialize method clear all the instance variables:

!PnCreateUser methodsFor: 'initialization'!
	super initialize.
	name := ''.
	surname := ''.
	password := ''.
	password2 := ''.
	email := ''.
	errors := ''.! !

As you saw in the login form when you are programming in Smalltalk you usually create short methods, more short than the method you will be used to. This is an example:

!PnCreateUser methodsFor: 'building'!
	^ [ :e | 
	e h1 text: 'Register your account'.
	e p
			'You will use your email to login'.
	e form
		build: [ :form | 
			self buildEmailRow: form.
			self buildNameRow: form.
			self buildSurnameRow: form.
			self buildPasswordRow: form.
			self buildRepeatPasswordRow: form.
			self buildErrorMessageRow: form.
			form button
				class: 'btn btn-default';
				text: 'Register to project notes';
				action: [ self registerAction ] ] ]! !

!PnCreateUser methodsFor: 'building'!
buildErrorMessageRow: aForm
		ifNotEmpty: [ (aForm div class: 'alert alert-warning') ul
		build: [ :box | (errors findTokens: String cr) do: [ :msg | box li text: msg ] ] ]! !

!PnCreateUser methodsFor: 'building'!
buildPasswordRow: aForm
	aForm div class: (errors ifNotNil: [ 'form-group has-error' ] ifNil:  [ 'form-group' ]);
			build: [ : row | 
				row label text:'Password: '.
				row input class:'form-control';  type: 'password'; action: [ :text | password := text ]; value:'' ]! !

!PnCreateUser methodsFor: 'building'!
buildEmailRow: aForm
	aForm div class: (errors ifNotNil: [ 'form-group has-error' ] ifNil:  [ 'form-group' ]);
			build: [ : row | 
				row label text:'Email'.
				row input class:'form-control'; action: [ :text | email:= text ]; value:email]! !

!PnCreateUser methodsFor: 'building'!
buildSurnameRow: aForm
	aForm div class: (errors ifNotNil: [ 'form-group has-error' ] ifNil:  [ 'form-group' ]);
			build: [ : row | 
				row label text:'Surname'.
				row input class:'form-control'; action: [ :text | surname:= text ]; value:email]! !

!PnCreateUser methodsFor: 'building'!
buildRepeatPasswordRow: aForm
	aForm div class: (errors ifNotNil: [ 'form-group has-error' ] ifNil:  [ 'form-group' ]);
			build: [ : row | 
				row label text:'Repeat Password: '.
				row input class:'form-control'; type: 'password'; action: [ :text | password2 := text ]; value:'']! !

!PnCreateUser methodsFor: 'building'!
buildNameRow: aForm
	aForm div class: (errors ifNotNil: [ 'form-group has-error' ] ifNil:  [ 'form-group' ]);
			build: [ : row | 
				row label text:'Name'.
				row input class:'form-control'; action: [ :text | name:= text ]; value:email]! !

In the previous example there is nothing interesting: just creating a form like the login form but with more fields. This is the error checking method that we will be calling before the registration action:

!PnCreateUser methodsFor: 'actions'!
	errors := ''.
	email ifEmpty: [ errors := errors, 'The email must not be empty because you need to login in the system', String cr ].
	(PnUtils checkEmail: email) ifFalse: [ errors := errors, 'This doesn''t look like a real email to me', String cr ].
	name ifEmpty: [ errors := errors, 'The name is a required field', String cr ].
	surname ifEmpty: [ errors := errors, 'The surname is a required field', String cr ].
	(password, password2) ifEmpty: [ errors := errors, 'You must enter a password', String cr ].
	(password = password2) ifFalse: [ errors := errors, 'The password are not matching', String cr ].
	! !

As you see I only fill the errors instance variable with the error message and the row building methods will do the rest.

Now the registration action, that is more interesting:

!PnCreateUser methodsFor: 'actions'!
	| u |
	self markDirty; checkErrors.
	errors ifNotEmpty: [ ^ self. ].
	u := PnUser new realname:name; surname: surname; email: email; password: password.
	PnUserDAO current register:u.
	self show:(ILInformationWidget new informationString: 'We created an user for you. Click ok to go to the app.') 
		onAnswer: [ : e | self redirectToLocal: 'notes' ].! !

The interesting bits are in the DAO usage, that “persist” the PnUser object, and the show:onAnswer: method.

The show:onAnswer: method of the ILWidget class can handle the control flow for you. In the next page rendering process the invoking widget will be substituted with the passed widget, in this case ILInformationWidget. When the shown widget (ILInformationWidget) will call the answer method the control flow will return to the block passed to show:onAnswer:.

This block redirect the browser to the notes controller, which will handle the notes creation and visualization proces.

The next post is here.