In the previous post we talked about controllers.
In this lesson we will create the first widget using the Iliad framework.
We have studied applications and controllers but the core of the Iliad framework is the concept of widget. Every page served by the Iliad framework is composed by widgets, as widget are written on the page as HTML tags. A widget is:
stateful and this means that the instace variables of the widget class are conserved between HTTP requests in the session state;
reusable every widget class can (and will) be used many times even in the same session using multiple widgets;
a container of child widgets.
Every widget is a subclass of the ILWidget
class. Let’s create out
first widget:
ILWidget subclass: #LcCounterWidget
instanceVariableNames: ''
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'LeonardoBlog'
The contents of a widget must be defined overriding the contents
method of the widget class:
"LcCounterWidget>>contents protocol building"
^ [ :e | e p text:'I''m a widget!' ]
When I said that every page server by the Iliad framework is
composed by widgets I was actually right because also the
class extends ILWidget
To attach out widget to the application we will add an instance variable to the application class to store the widget instance.
Create a new accessor for the firstWidget
component that create the
instance if needed:
"LcBlogHelloIliad>>firstWidget protocol accessing"
^ firstWidget ifNil: [ firstWidget := LcCounterWidget new ]
Now I will create a new controller just to show how the widget can be rendered:
"LcBlogHelloIliad>>widgetExample protocol contollers"
^ [ :e | e p text:'Hi! Widget example'.
e build:self firstWidget ]
As always pay attention on putting the widgetExample
in the right
Now you can go here: http://localhost:7070/leonardoBlog/widgetExample to see the example working.
This article will be long but I should make a remark on the
accessor method. We could also use the initialize
method to create a new instance of the widget when the
class is created and this will actually work but,
if you choose my implementation (which is copyied from the Iliad
examples) you can reuse your old browser session to try new code and
this is really good, believe me.
The next post is here.