Have you seen my custom Pharo theme here?
[Read More]Welcome to my new blog
This is my new website, in blog format. I will migrate as soon as possible the content of the old web site to this platform.
Iliad Framework, what if I don't have Javascript?
In the previous post we talked about how events are implemented, and you saw that actions are implemented with Javascript code.
Really? You want to keep Javascript off your browsing experience? Firefox, in the new releases, even don’t have a setting to disable Javascript without installing a plugin.
[Read More]Iliad Framework, how events are implemented
In the previous post we implemented the counter example. Now I would like to talk about how the event’s black magic actually works from the browser point of view.
[Read More]Iliad Framework, reacting to events
In the previous post we talked about widgets.
For now we have created a web application with a child widget that generate a static HTML. Now we need to receive and send data to make this application interactive.
[Read More]Iliad Framework, the first widget
In the previous post we talked about controllers.
In this lesson we will create the first widget using the Iliad framework.
[Read More]Archlinux networking commands
I’m used with distributions that have networking commands like
, ifconfig
, etc in their default installation so, when I
started using ArchLinux on daily basis, I found that these commands
are missing.
Iliad Framework, on controllers
In the previous post about the Iliad Framework we build a basic web application that, in the default controller, write an “Hello World” HTML.
[Read More]Iliad Framework, how to create your first application
Hi. In this post we will create a basic web application using the Iliad Framework.
[Read More]Emacs in the terminal
Despite being an avid Emacs user, I usually start Emacs with a GUI interface. I used to start Emacs inside a terminal only when working on another computer using ssh.
[Read More]Iliad Framework, installing and starting the embedded web server
This post introduces the Iliad Web Framework, which is a webapp framework that you can use with the Pharo Smalltalk implementation to create dynamic and fast websites.
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